Thursday, June 19, 2008

Another wild night....

Here it is 9:30 and the house is (blessedly) silent. Big Al and I have been cuddling on the couch since bath and book (Marvin K. Mooney and We're Going on a Bear Hunt). Allan spent 20 minutes or so riding the bouncy zebra. In the past 3 days he has fallen in love with the thing. He has figured out how to swing his leg up and over and on it, just like Billy the Kid. Then he bounces as hard as he can, making the lights light and the music play (everything has lights and music these days, it is like living in a Broadway musical.)

For the sake of posterity, let me say that Allan is right smart of a pain in the bottom. He is going to be far worse than Griff ever thought about being. Griff is obnoxious because he can not stand to be thwarted in whatever it is that he is up to at the moment, but his heart is pure and he is (usually) easily distracted or cajolled in to a good humor. Allan, on the other hand, saves all of his obnoxious behavior for the single most inconvenient moment.

Tuesday night was Jay's Night Out. He was supposed to golf (he ended up not golfing but going to some broke a** bar with his friend who had blister issues with his golf shoes. Or some such nonsense. Tiger walked 19 mile with a torn ACL and stress fractures. Soldier on.) Anyway, every one knew before I even started that I was not going to go along with the "cry it out method" with Griff. Not going to happen. So the boys and I snuggled on the mattress in the nursery floor and Griff was "this close" to falling asleep. At which point, Allan decided to turn it on. Squeaking, squawking, crawling all over me, crawling all over his brother. A regular little Energizer bunny.

So I put him in the crib with silent toys. Nice try.

Allan squeaks, squawks, pulls up and, I kid you not, starts launching his stuffed animals out of the crib and on to Griff and me. All the while sucking his thumb and grinning at me. Brat.

(deep breath)

Get him out, hold him close, and, after a bit of wrestling, down they both go. Pre 9 p.m. Perfect. Call Jay, stay out if you like. Boys are asleep and I'm going, too.
I'm on my way. I'll probably try to slip in to bed quietly in bit. Don't.You.Dare.
We. Are.Asleep.
How did you get them down? Did you let them cry it out?

To channel Jack Nicholson from A Few Good Men: Do not sleep under the blanket that I provide to you and question the manner in which I do so.

Jay had an endoscopy today and is a little loopy tonight. He had Griff after bath and I hardly heard a peep. I suspect that the two of them are laid up in bed even now. And I am not questioning it... Turn about is fair play.