Griff has now started putting the second syllable on "daddy" and it is one of sweetest sounds ever. It is somewhere behind "Mom-mahhhhh!" in my opinion. He has also taken to saying "Hellloooo!" He sounds sort of like Scooby-Doo when he does it. I may have already reported that Griff has begun yelling, "Jay!" sometimes when he can't find his father and he doesn't respond to Da-Dee! It sounds just like me when he does it, too. Cracks me up. He came over to the gate at the kitchen the other night and kept saying something over and over. It took about 3 times before I realized that he was saying "poof" which is what he calls the puffy Chee-toos.
Big Al is getting closer and closer to walking on his own everyday. He routinely walks along the furniture, barely touching it, or holds on lightly to your finger. As soon as he realizes that he's doing it, though, he goes all Ghandi/passive resistance on you and flops to the ground. He is trying really hard to figure out how to stand up in the middle of the floor with nothing to hold on to. He manages to get himself in "downward dog" and then doesn't know where to go from there. He just sort of wallows around for a few minutes, sits back down, sighs and crawls on off.
And Jesana reports that yesterday he said, "uh-oh!" -- a very popular and useful phrase around the house.