Tuesday, October 31, 2006

happy halloween - part ii

The boys have had a good Halloween. They both got dressed up and watched the trick or treaters. Right now, Allan is eating with Dad and Griff is sitting in my lap while I blog. He's just fine as long as he is up and in the middle of whatever is going on but God forbid if he has to be Down as opposed to Up. Or is to the Side instead of In the Middle. If he weren't so charming, he might be considered a pain. Allan, of course, endures all with a Buddha-like zen. Except for when he whinges. I tell him "stiff upper lip, Richardson" but it is the quivering lower lip that is the problem. We are determined to get it on video so that we can play it at his rehearsal dinner some day. Make sure his wife knows what she is in for....
Enjoy the photos. I didn't realize how remiss I had been.