Monday, December 04, 2006

Well, things didn't go so well with the Christmas photo shoot. Everything was set up and in place, but no one told the boys that they had to cooperate. Neither of them was his usual happy self that morning. If one was looking in the right direction, the other one was crying or had his head turned or was trying to eat fake snow. We worked like field hands for about 45 minutes and then just called it. Took off the cute like overalls and decided we would try later. Every time the camera comes out, things go to hell. You may get a Christmas card. You may get a New Year's card. It may be Valentine's Day or Flag Day for that matter. Just please, please don't ask where your card is.

After we quit pestering them for photos, the boys had a good weekend. Allan and Griff are paying more attention to each other these days. Not that it is always a good thing. Saturday afternoon I had them both on a blanket in the floor with toys between them. Allan would grab something. Griffith would grab from the other side and then he would roll over, taking whatever the toy was with him, deposit on the side away from Allan and roll back over to repeat the process with whatever other toy Allan got. This went on for nearly an hour. We think it is probably a preview of coming attractions.

Allan's contact came and we managed to wrestle him in to and out of it. So far it is a two-person operation. Although he doesn't seem to mind the contact once it is in, Allan is not at all interested in having it put in. And getting it out is quite the rodeo. Still it seems to be helping him track with that eye and we hope that the grudge matches settle down once he is a little more used to the process.

Allan's hearing was tested again today. Before he was discharged from the NICU, they tested him and concluded that he had a fair amount of hearing loss in his left ear. Still, because he was so little, they recommend re-doing the test. Today they have concluded that he has a little hearing loss in each ear, but nothing profound.