Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year.

Well, here we are back again. We welcomed in 2007 in a pretty low-key sort of way. Jay and I had steaks, mashed potatoes and wine and the boys had, as usual, formula. They didn't seem to mind. And we all watched The Twilight Zone on the SciFi Channel. Big wild night.
Allan has been doing just great. We have halved the dosage of one of his diuretics and discontinued one of his inhalers and it hasn't set him back at all. In fact, his oxygen requirement has been as low as it has ever been. He is more alert and fun these days. He can't quite turn himself over, but he does get over on his sides to reach for toys or to watch his brother. It probably isn't fair to say that he "can't" turn over. With Big Al, it is hard to tell what he can't do and what he just isn't interested in doing. He is making more baby sounds these days and gets tuned up and howls when he is wet or dirty or has been put down when he would prefer to be held. Regular baby stuff. He's smiling a lot these days and loves to play spider-hand and get Eskimo kisses.
Griffith is full of it these days, too. We moved his crib upstairs because he outgrew the bassinet. He absolutely loves to pick his feet up over his head and slam them down in to the mattress. Preferably in the middle of the night. It sounds like a cannon going off. He has also discovered his tongue and thinks it is just grand. Not just when it blows spit bubbles or zerberts. All the time. And he loves for you to stick your tongue back at him. He crows like a little rooster and flaps his arms and laughs out loud at the hilarity of it all. He got a little off-schedule during the holidays and 4:30 a.m. is apparently the new 7 a.m. We hope that he gets over that soon.
We all took a road trip to visit Aunt Evelyn on Saturday and they did very well. At least until the end. Griffith woke up on the ride back and decided that he was not happy with the situation. Waking up in the dark, in the car, wet and tired was not his idea of a good idea. It was not made better by him howling like a banshee for the 27 minutes it took us to make it home. He was mad for an hour after that.
Uncle Luigi and Aunt Diane came and brought many goodies. Most notably, genuine bolas and a whip from Argentina. No ostriches will be safe on our street.
The boys have a doc's appointment on Wednesday, but, other than that, we are all just planning on staying at home and growing.