Sunday, January 07, 2007

Typing is a little difficult Dad has gone out for a few minutes so. naturally, all h-e-double breaks lose. They both were tired, both wanted to be held, and both wanted to be on my chest. They have fallen asleep on my chest and are all nestled together, sleeping soundly. I am sort of like the little boy and the dike. I guess I'll stay put until the calvary arrives. I am typing with one hand so it is slow-going with the blogging.
Aunt Kathy stopped by yesterday and visited for a while. She was quite impressed with our big boys. Griffith showed off how well he can do pushups and Allan managed a few shy smiles.
Uncle Luis and Aunt Diane came over this afternoon and took on baby duty so that Jay and I could have a few hours to celebrate his birthday. They were apparently on their very best behavior. When they are good, they are very good. When they are bad.....
Nothing big on the horizon this week. No doctor's appointments or anything. Here's hoping for a long stream of boring days.