Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Eleven months!

Another big birthday for the big guys! The boys are doing great. Allan had appointments with his cardiologist and pulmonologist today and they were very pleased with how well he is doing. Of course, Allan decided this morning of all mornings to spit up in a very big fashion -- all over Dr. Kanga. Oh, well, that is the risk you take when you work with little ones I suppose. Anyway, we are adjusting some of his medications and continuing on. No word on how much longer he is going to need the oxygen -- a while, though. We are going to give him as much help as possible for as long as needed so that his heart heals from all the stress that it was under when he was so sick.
Allan is getting loud these days -- he talks a lot more. And he is working his mouth, sticking his tongue out and generally showing signs that the speech therapy is doing what it is supposed to. He has also managed to roll himself over a couple of times, holding his head steady for longer periods of time and doing more turning left and right. He's a busy little guy.
Griff is full of it. He has mastered crawling forward and has advanced immediately to pulling up on any thing that he can and standing. He also has managed (once) to get himself from crawling to sitting on his bottom, but doesn't seem to know how to recreate that motion. He says "da-da" to the point that we about can't stand it. Flora is trying to get him to say "bye-bye" just so she has something else to listen to.
Tomorrow Allan has PT and they both go to get vaccinated. Should be a fun time.