Thursday, March 08, 2007

Off to the races --

Well, Griffith really did it this morning. I was there and saw it with my own two eyes -- he took off and really, really crawled.
The PT Julie came to work with Allan and they were working on something, I don't even know what. Whatever it was, it was more than Griff could stay and before any of us knew what was happening, he took off. Fortunately I was able to swoop down and scoop him up before he did Allan harm (deus ex mama). Still, this does not bode well. Our lives are about to change dramatcially. Again.
Allan is doing very well with his PT. He has already come a long way with his head control and his reaching, grabbing and rolling. Every once in a while he would get a little irritable with Julie and her unreasonable expectations and she would have to cuddle him and tell him what a beautiful, clever boy he is. He would then heave a little sigh as if to say, thank goodness that she recognizes it.