Monday, April 16, 2007

I am sure that we will have a lot more photos from the baptism and first birthday celebration, but here are a few to pique your interest. As you can see, the boys were excellent. The weather was wretched - cold and rainy. Griffith hated my hat so I abandoned it. The photographer had to make an emergency run to town to get a new memory card and the priest was late because he was annointing a bunch of elderly nuns. No matter. We were surrounded by family and friends and couldn't have been happier. The boys comported themselves with great dignity (except when Griffith peed all over Alissa, but really, she should be used to that. The first time we met her she was wearing a plastic gown because her baby kept spitting up all over her!) The boys acted like they didn't know a stranger and I kept having to look around to see where our babies were. Fortunately they were surrounded by masses of people who love them. We count ourselves as very fortunate to have good friends and family around us. The thoughtfulness and prayers have made the success that we have had possible. Now that we are getting to the end of cold and flu season we are looking forward to hanging out with you all. The boys have established that they can party like rock stars. It is only their old parents who can't keep up.