Wednesday, May 02, 2007

The boys are doing great. They have really been enjoying the good weather. Flora has even ventured out on the front porch with them so that they can watch the trucks going by. This is good for hours of entertainment.
As you can see, wrestling is a source of some fun in our household. Griffith, being mobile, would seem to have the advantage, but Allan is stronger than you would think. In addition, he's wily. Griff just barrels right on and doesn't even try to be slick. If he wants something that Allan has (and if Allan has something, Griffith wants it), then he heads right for it and grabs it. If he wants to stick his hand in Allan's face, he does it. No subterfuge there. Allan, on the other hand, will see Griffith heading in his general direction and start to wail. If you weren't watching, you would be certain that Griffith had done something rude to him. I guess it is the equivalent of the early warning system: Allan wants to make sure that there is an intervention before something dire happens. Or he just wants to get his brother in to trouble. So you can see why Griff would go ahead and whack him when he has the chance. Odds are he's going to get in trouble for it anyway so he might as well get his licks in while he has a chance.