Wednesday, May 09, 2007

They called yesterday afternoon to schedule Big Al's heart cath. We are on for Tuesday the 29th. It should be an outpatient procedure. They will put a wire in through the femoral artery and thread it up in to his heart and measure the pressures, etc. They will also inject dye and take pictures of how his heart is working and that should show them where the problem is. Once they have that information, they will probably consult with the folks at the University of Michigan and we may be roadtripping.

In the meanwhile, every one is doing well. Flora has been satisfied that the boys aren't going to catch cold (it has been 80 degrees all week!) and they have spent a fair amount of time out on the porch watching the world go by. They both enjoy all of the trucks that stop at the store down the street -- bread, milk, beer -- as well as the people walking their dogs. Would that it were always so easy to entertain them.