Monday, July 09, 2007

The boys have a very busy couple of days.

Allan went back to the cardiologist on Friday. He has been off of the Viagra for about 2 weeks now and they wanted to make sure that his pulmonary pressures were still in line. So, they did another echo and say that his heart still looks good and the pressures are normal which is great. He weighed a little over 20 pounds and is 28 inches tall. The cardiologist announced that he was a little short for his weight and that, perhaps, we should discuss with the pediatrician and dietician cutting back on his calories because we don't want him to get too fat. We've been working 24/7 for the past 15 months to pump him up and now he's under-tall. Please. God.Help.Us.

Friday night Dad put the boys in the stroller and took them down to Wines on Vine where we met up with Matt, Nicole and Markus for drinks and dinner. Although they were the youngest folks there by about 30-some years, the boys did great. They are very sophisticated -- hanging out in the wine bar with an international crew.

Saturday morning, Dad went off to do some work and the boys and I took a long run (5 miles) before it got too hot. Then we came home and started the process of getting ready to head for the homeplace for Cousin Bailey's birthday party. The effort associated with this kind of excursion and trying to account for every possible contingency must be something like getting the shuttle in to space. We managed to time it so that both boys slept most of the way there (that didn't quite work out on the way back, but one out of two ain't bad).

You can see the bath pictures. The boys have been being so sweet with each other lately. Instead of clubbing one another, they have been working on being "gentle" and "easy" and learning to "pat, pat, pat." Sometimes it works, like when Allan put his arm around his brother in the tub. And when they share toys instead of jerk them away from each other. This morning Allan woke up at 6:15 and would not stop fussing so we put him in bed with us. Then Griff woke up and wanted a bottle. Jay went to take a shower and Griff crawled up in between Allan and me and laid down to have his breakfast. Allan fussed for a second, then put his arm around Griff's belly. Griff took one of his hands and rubbed Allan's head and we all settled down for a peaceful twenty minutes or so.

Bailey was delighted to see the boys. The only hitch was when Griff accidentally popped one of her balloons. She wasn't crazy about that, but forgave him -- after she moved the other ones out of his reach. Fair enough.

Griff and Allan both got new moccasins and that was all it took to get Griff out in to the grass. There's no holding him back now. That and the cats. He LOVED chasing the cats. He would have followed them any where. We waited a little too late to leave, though. Allan is a night owl and did fine, but Griffith was ready for bed and could not understand why we had him strapped in that damned car seat. As tired as he was, we thought he would eventually wear himself out and drop off to sleep. No such luck. He howled like a banshee for the last 40 minutes of the ride.

Sunday was very hot, but we got up early and took a walk while it was still pleasant enough. We checked out the neighborhood and went to Magee's for coffee (diet Pepsi) and muffins. Then Miranda came to play with the boys while Mom and Dad got a few hours out and baby-free.

I talked to Flora -- I had left some medium-size plastic boxes for documents on the floor and Griffith has played with them all day. She says the only thing he hasn't put in them is her. He puts toys in and takes them out. Pushes them across the floor. Puts books in. Out. In. Out. I should have spent that 2.49 a year ago.

In other news, Griff took his first real step this morning. It was only one and he stopped and dropped immediately afterward, but it was his first unassisted step ever. This is the beginning of the end.