Monday, July 23, 2007


Lots of new pictures from the weekend.

Allan continues to do well. His eye was completely healed by Friday and we resumed the wearing of the contact this weekend. His eye still looks really good and the pupil has remained open so we may be on to something. He has been squinting a lot more so we are pretty sure he's getting more light in to his eye than he is used to.

We had company on Friday night. Miss Monica and Cousin Jennifer came over to grill out and we all had a great time on the deck. The weather was beautiful and we thought we had everything taken care of, but Griff still ended up with a bug bite on his forehead. Poor little guy, he is always the one with the bug bites. He must be sweeter and more tender than we give him credit for.

The boys and I went for a long run on Saturday morning. The weather was really cool and we were having a great time. Griff didn't fall asleep until late in the proceedings so we ran an extra mile and a half since we knew that there was no way to get him out of the stroller without waking him. Allan, for his part, did the usual: slept for the first 45 minutes or so and then was wide awake. Since the weather was so pleasant and Daddy has finished the fence in the back yard, we put out the tarp and let the fellows roam. Griff still isn't crazy about the grass, but he hates being out of the center of things so much that he is willing to put up with it, some, in order to keep up with what I'm doing. Allan was content to sit on the blanket and play with his toys. On occasion he would let out a yell just to make sure he knew we were still paying attention.

The boys stayed with Miss Miranda while we went out to dinner. When I got home, she was looking a little worn out. Apparently he kept faking her out -- falling asleep and then waking up and howling if she put him down. It was well past his bedtime, but he wasn't giving it up. He lasted about five whole minutes after I got home and gave him a bottle (don't ask about the giving up the bottle nonsense). Fortunately for Momma, the new Harry Potter had arrrived and so there was a lot to keep me occupied while putting the boys to sleep.

Allan managed to disconnect his feeding tube some time during the night and so at about 5 a.m. he was a cold, wet fellow, Since there really wasn't any place to put him and he was as cold as a fish, we stripped him, wiped him off, put a clean diaper on him and put him in bed with us. He snuggled up next to his dad and was out like a light.

Griff managed to sleep until nearly 8 and then took a bottle and fell back asleep with Momma on the couch downstairs. We snuggled and snoozed and read Harry Potter while Dad and Allan slept in upstairs. We didn't get a start on the day until nearly 10:30. The fellows all went for a walk while Mom vaccuumed (Griff hates it so much that you can't do it with him in the house). Then the boys lunched, watched some of the British Open and took a dip in the pool. Dad went off to the driving range (presumably to practice for the tour) and God smiled on me by having the fellows sleep for nearly two hours following the excitement of the pool.

Griff spent a fair amount of time the other day trying to reach over and pour his formula all over Allan who was on the floor below him.

Allan has become fascinated with turning himself over on to his belly. He still can't manage to get himself on his hands and knees without assistance, but that is clearly what he is trying to do.

Allan continues to be the vainest child ever. He likes to look at himself in the mirror while he eats. For the longest time, I thought it was sweet and that he just liked seeing that other baby in the mirror, but then I realized that he doesn't smile that way at Griffith. Allan just likes the way he looks.

Griff has taken to saying 'me, me, me' when he is very sad and displeased. Whether he is saying something akin to "poor me" or if he is trying to say "mean" we don't know. Whatever, it is said in the most pitiful, whining little tone. It would break your heart if he didn't do it for everything under the sun.

Anyway, time to get back to Harry Potter. Enjoy the pictures!