Friday, August 03, 2007

...and still more snippets....

Allan had an appointment with his cardiologist this morning. He's doing just great -- he looks good, is growing well, is needing less oxygen and his lungs sound clearer which may be because he is finally, finally growing more lung tissue. We are to keep on keeping on for the time-being -- not changing any thing, just trying to lower him on his oxygen as much as we can without taxing him. Allan is going to take whatever time Allan wants.

The big outing will be tonight -- the whole family is heading out to the pizza place. You know, give Griff a new location to hurl food in to. Keep it interesting for him. And it will be nice that we don't have to clean it up. (Don't worry, we'll tip well!) If it isn't too hot tomorrow morning, we may plunk the boys in the stroller and make a return visit to the Farmer's Market to pick up some corn. Maybe a dip in the wading pool, if it isn't too miserably hot (sounds silly to say that it is too hot to go swimming, but there you have it!). It has been so nice being able to get out, but between the humidity and the bugs, we are very grateful for air conditioning. Hope everyone has a great weekend. We'll try to come up with some good photos over the weekend.