Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Just a few quick notes.
Talked to Aunt KK as she was on her way to watch the Cubs play this afternoon (that's what you get for being too busy to email -- you get sold out on the blog!) Came home to find that Flora had the boys in their finest Cubbies outfits.

Took a few unflattering (but funny) photos of Allan. In his defense, the camera has a red-eye feature that shines before the flash. The result of that is that Allan knows to squint because the flash bothers his "bad" eye. Which is why we have so many photos of him looking like a pirate.

We finally have a lovely rainstorm going on. The boys are both upstairs, sleeping the sleep of the innocent (or close-to-innocent in Griffith's case.) Enormous clap of thunder. Better go check to make sure everyone is still asleep. (Dad says all is well.)

Griff has been in "time out" a couple of times. Dad put him in last night for knocking the crap out of Allan. Two minutes (one day it will be totally worth it for 2 minutes). After he got out, he crawled over, picked up a block and started to whack his brother on the head with it. As soon as he made the first contact, Allan squawled. Griffith flung the block behind him, squealed like a pig and crawled away from Allan as fast as he could. Guess he knows about time out now.