Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The boys had a great and busy weekend.
Saturday we all got up early and went to do the radiothon for the children's hospital. There is a duck pond outside where the station was set up so we walked around and fed the ducks. Griffith was highly suspicious of the ducks and stayed right up between my legs. If anyone was going to get it, it was going to be Mom. Then Mom headed out for a baby shower and the fellows all went to Caroline's birthday bash/pool party. It was a mixed bag -- Griff started off not liking the pool. The water was too cold, there were too many balls, there were too many bigger kids causing a commotion. Once things calmed down, though, it was all good and he and Dad spent a lot of time splashing and kicking. Allan decided to sleep through the first half of the party. The second half (pool time) , he objected to on the same grounds as Griff. He was not willing to get over it, however. Maybe next year.
On Sunday we had a big party to celebrate Labor (Labour?) Day. The boys were the life of the party but they stayed up way too late (so did Mom and Dad) and were fussy all day yesterday (as were Mom and Dad).
Enjoy the photos. More later.