Monday, September 24, 2007

Thing One and Thing Two have been having a good time with Grandma and Grampy. Flora let them accompany her on her walk (she wasn't going to let 'her boys' out with the grandparents solo!) on Friday. Miss Miranda came Friday night and looked after the guys while we went out to dinner. Apparently Griffith resented being left out because he was very fussy about going to sleep. And then he woke up about 4 or so and fussed some more.

On Saturday, Jay and his folks walked the boys downtown to the farmer's market and took in all the sights. Then we all headed downtown again for the Festival Latino. The boys seemed to enjoy all the activity. Griff, of course, was completely in his element, whirling around to make sure he wasn't missing anything. Allan, of course, was largely skeptical of the entire affair. He was taking it in -- from a distance. He wasn't entirely thrilled with the drumming and clacking of the huraches on the plaza.

Grandma and Grampy weren't nearly as adventurous as we hoped they would be with the food -- they didn't appear to have any interest in eating the grilled blood sausage that the Colombians were serving. The pollo and carne asado were pretty tasty though.

We finished up in time for everyone to see most of the football game. Griff was too tired to watch, but Allan (being the night owl) was right in his element, sitting up between Grandma and Grampy with an unimpeded view of the TV. He couldn't have planned it better.