Friday, September 21, 2007

We've had a pretty busy week. Griffith decided that he would prefer not to sleep between the hours of 4 and 6 a.m. While he wasn't bad or rambunctious during that time, he was completely and totally awake. We decided that he knew that Grandma and Grampy were coming and was just too excited to sleep. Or something like that. He finally got back on the program last night so everything looks a little rosier today.

Griff went to the NICU grad clinic on Wednesday for his assessment and testing. He is 24 pounds, 5 ounces and 31 inches tall. (This is 50-75 percentile for his adjusted age.) Then, the speech therapist came in and did her tests. ("What does he do when he wants your attention?" He says, "hey." Fair enough.) The physical therapist did the same. Playing with blocks, taking things in and out of a cup, watching where you hide a toy and see if you can find it. As soon as he saw the blocks, he grabbed them and started stacking them (this is a 2 year old skill, thank you very much - he got 3 on top of each other before he decided it would be more fun to scatter them on the floor). Then she took a duck and stuck it under a clear plastic block that is open on one side and told him to get the duck. He immediately pounded it with his meaty little fist and, when that didn't work, put both hands on the block and pushed with all his might and growled like a bear while doing it. Then he figured it out and reached around and pulled it out. Finesse is to be resorted to only when muscle power doesn't work.

Grandma and Grampy have arrived this week and are working on spoiling the guys full-time. Griff managed to pull a plant out of the pot and on to his head seconds before they hit the door. So much for trying to keep things neat and tidy. Welcome to our house.

Margaret and Tony came to dinner and pronounced the boys "brilliant" - naturally.

Don't know what we are in for this weekend. Probably the farmer's market and a run or two. There is a Latino festival going on tomorrow night and we will probably try to catch some of that. And, of course, we have a football game to watch.

We'll try to get lots of pictures and post over the weekend.