Sunday, October 28, 2007

all the news that isn't

I am going to post as many photos as I can tonight, but it doesn't go as fast from home and you never know when the Griffster is doing to wake up.

Thursday night was not fun at our house. Griff woke up about 2:30 or so and it was Momma's night. We went downstairs so that Da and Big Al could get some sleep, but Griffey didn't want a bottle. He was dry and clean and warm and uninterested in the bottle. We stood up, we sang, we rocked, we patted. we stood still. The only thing that suited was standing up and swaying or walking across the floor. The minute Mom stopped moving or (God forbid) sat down, all h-e-l-l broke loose. Now, Mom ain't your cry it out kind of gal ordinarily, but, after about 45 minutes of howling like a banshee (Griff, not Mom) and knowing that there ain't nothing wrong, Momma had had it. So Griff's bottom got planted in the pack and play and we just sucked it up and "let him cry it out" which was no fun at all. About every 5 to 10 minutes, Mom would get up and say something soothing or pat the big guy on the bottom, but it was quite an ordeal. By Friday night Momma was worn out and looking forward to a little reprieve. Unfortunately, instead of heading out for the Halloween party, we ended up consoling little ones.

The plan was that Dad would stay at home with the boys while Momma went to a Halloween party. Everything went pretty smoothly. Dinner. Check. Meds. Check. PJs. Check. Baths. Check. Allan asleep. Check. Griff sleep? No way. This was on top of Flora saying that he wouldn't take a nap for her and kicked and screamed and refused to rest. After Jay had worked for about an hour and a half to get the Griffster down, Momma finally conceded that there wasn't going to be any partying this Friday night. So Momma took Griff. Jay took over getting
Big Al down and so it went. Finally, about 10:30, the coin clicked with Mom. Griff was hot. His nose was running. He kept sticking his fist in his mouth. He was out of sorts. Griffey is cutting his last teeth -- his molars. We are so spoiled since he hasn't had any problems that we didn't even think of that as a possibility. So, Mom shoved some Baby Tylenol down his gullet and held on until it kicked in.

It didn't fix things completely. Griff woke up a couple of times and howled, but it was better than the night before. At about 2:30, Papa came down and took pity on Mom. Griff stirred a fair amount after that but didn't wake up and squawl like the night before. Allan didn't make a peep, God love him. Allan woke about 7:30 or 8 and Mom managed to take him downstairs. Dad and Griff were full of life and eating breakfast. Momma unloaded Allan and headed back up for a few minutes of rest. Which lasted for 2.5 hours. God love the boys and Jay. By the time Mom roused, Dad had the boys fed and had: taken everything out of the kitchen and cleaned it, moved the pack and plays from the dining room to the nursery, done the dishes, started the laundry and organized mail.

I felt like Dorothy.

Aunt Kathy came to spend the weekend. She got here around noon. Not too long later, Aunt Stephanie and Cousin Bailey came for a visit, too. Dad headed out to watch the rugby game and we all settled in to watch football. Not to put too fine a point on it, but it was a difficult afternoon. The football team stank. And Griff was right smart of a little monster all day. He wouldn't take a nap and he was pretty much irritated most of the day. Uncle Tim and Aunt Lisa came for dinner and we all had a pretty good time, although Griff continued to be largely dissatisfied with life. After baths, Grif and Dad headed upstairs. Mom and Aunt Kate hung out in the living room. By nine, though, Kathy was done and headed for the bedroom. Mom and Allan, though, were itching to watch The Dallas Cowboys Cheersleaders: Making the Team 2. And Grey's Anatomy. By 10, though, we were all down.

It is an unfortunate reality that, although the boys sleep, Mom and Dad continue to wake up throughout the night. Since "poor little Allan" had about a 20 minute nap all day and Griff had about 45 minutes, it is no wonder that the little lambs were out last night. Big Al woke up about 7:30 or so and came and snuggled with Mom and Dad in bed. Griff woke up after 8. It was heaven.

We made scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast and played with Aunt Kate. By 11, though, we were all tired again. Griff passed out around 11:15. Allan and Dad weren't far behind in the easy chair. Mom and Aunt Kate visited for awhile, but K decided to do a little shopping before she headed for home.

Momma did a little tidying and went for a run while her boys were all sleeping. Then Sara, Emma and Mary Glenn arrived for fun and frolic. The boys had all had naps of at least 2 hours and were completely refreshed.

We all walked down to the park because the weather was beautiful (if chilly). We played on the swings and the teeter-totters and slide. It was big fun without a doubt. Then we had a visit from Aunt Michele who brought us cool (and SCARY) gorilla sweatshirts from the zoo. Tres cool.

It is now nearly 10 and the boys are down while I am blogging. Not sure what to do. I will try to add some photos, but the site is slow tonight and I am ready for bed.