Thursday, February 08, 2007

Allan seems to have recovered nicely from his little adventure earlier this week. His belly is a little sore, but, other than that, he is none the worse for wear.
Griffith has chafed his knees with all of the rocking back and forth and not-crawling that he has been doing. He has graduated to trying to hop forward with both knees and, on occasion, raising up one knee and then the other, but he still can't quite get it. Yesterday as I was leaving, Flora was "helping" him. I told her to STOP, in no uncertain terms. She says she can't wait for him to crawl, but, for the life of me, I don't know why. A mobile Griffith will be a force to contend with. Why make life harder on every one? Really, he'll figure it out soon enough.
When I got home last night, Griffith had finally decided to take a nap (he's been considering them optional for the last week or so). Allan and I got to open the package from Cousin Bailey and we were very pleased to have new pillow slips. Allan picked the one with little red whales on it which means that Griffith gets the one with dancing frogs. We also read the two Valentine's Day books about Elmo that Bailey picked out for them. We read them before Griffith woke up and, then, as you can see from the pictures, Griffith decided he would read them all by himself. And chew on them. Just a little.
The boys spent a cozy night at home, watching the UK game. As you can see, they ended up holding hands. This was after we had to separate them. Griffith rolled over on top of Allan and had him pinned for a few minutes. Boys will be boys, I suppose. Or bear cubs.