Friday, January 25, 2008

Allan's dentist appointment went well. The enamel on his front teeth looks a little funny and I wanted to get it checked out just to be on the safe side. As we suspected, the enamel didn't form correctly because he came so early. Actually, if you know what you are looking for, you can see a line from his front teeth all the way back where the enamel stopped forming. What is kind of neat is that the line goes back at an angle because you form your back teeth first. It is just one of those things. We can put little baby veneers on or fill in, but that would be purely cosmetic. We have to be extra careful about cavities, but his permanent teeth shouldn't be impacted.

Allan's PT visit went well yesterday, too. Miss Julie was very pleased with his progress. He was walking with her just putting very light pressure on his shoulders. He would rather hold on to something or have you hold on to him, but he was a real trooper. He's really catching on to this crawling thing, too. Griffith knicked the red ball and took off with it. Allan sat there for a second and then crawled after him as fast as he could down the hall and in to the nursery (by which point Griff was tired of the ball and dropped it). Big Al has also been playing "chase" with us on the floor. He thinks it is hilarious for you to scoot back away from him on your bottom while he crawls toward you like a little bear. Then when he catches you, he pulls up and pushes so that you tip back. If you yell, "oh, no, Allan's getting me!" so much the better.