Tuesday, January 01, 2008

I can not tell you how many pictures we have from the past week. Lots. And no time to post them much less comment upon them.

Here are as many as I could get posted in the time allotted. More as the week passes.

We have had a good week and a good New Year (so far). The highlights have been the new floor pillows (in the shape of a duck and a cow) that Mom found at HomeGoods. She had seen a duck before Xmas and, in a fit of frugality, didn't buy it. Went back a day or two later to find it was gone and kicked herself for weeks after. Back there on Sunday only to find a duck AND a cow. God's way of making sure each boy got one I suppose. I was so tickled that I literally was chuckling to myself as I was walking out of the store with a cow and a duck clutched under each arm (no bags big enough to hold them). Jay was not that impressed but the boys seem to like them which was the true test.

Time for bed. Morning comes early around here sometimes....