Friday, March 28, 2008

The Flu

Both boys have it. Yuck, as Griff says whenever we try to get him to take his medicine.

Griff was running a little fever Wednesday night when I got home. By the middle of the night, it was 103-104 despite the Tylenol and all he wanted to do was lay on me. So yesterday we were off to the doctor and we confirmed that it was the flu. So Dad, Allan and I all started Tamiflu as a preventative measure. Too little, too late for Allan, though. He woke up with a fever this morning and we went back to the doctor just to confirm our suspicions. Yep.

Griff is better today. Still not himself. He rallies for a while and then spikes a fever and wilts. His little eyes look so black.

Allan is pretty bouncy still, but his heartrate is up and he is back on the oxygen just to make things easier for him.

I am heading out to get more Pedialyte, Kleenex, and wine. The staples.