Friday, March 14, 2008

No new pictures. I'm sure that we will have some after the weekend.

The week has been busy -- Nurse Jennifer came over on Tuesday night and ooohed and ahhhed over the boys. She thoughtfully brought baskets full of eggs and shredded paper. Which ended up EVERYwhere. (thanks, Jen!). Alissa was supposed to come over on Wednesday but had a brain fart and headed home instead. Which just meant that Mom and Dad had to drink her portion of wine (thanks, Alissa!)

The weather has been gorgeous -- in the 60's and sunny and the sitter (Christy) has had the boys out on walks and to the park. Griff fell asleep in his high chair last night. Today is cool and rainy and gray, though. Doesn't look like it is going to be very nice for the St. Patrick's Day Parade (Jay asked: when is it this year? Ummm. On the 17th, like every other year. Hm -- is it always the 17th? Ridiculous Brit.)

Allan had a good visit with Miss Julie (PT) yesterday. He didn't realize that he was doing it but he was standing all on his own looking at a book and playing with toys for about 10 minutes. He was close to the couch so he thought that he was supported. He can do it, if he doesn't think about it.

Allan was a bit of a slow starter yesterday. The time change has been hard on him. I had to wake him up to get him ready for Miss Julie and he was heartily miffed about it. Allan does not like to be awakened. He likes to sleep until he wakes up on his own, thank you very much. And he doesn't want to be messed with as soon as he gets up, either. Mostly he wants to sit, possibly in your lap, with a scowl on his face and suck his thumb. After 10, 15 or 20 minutes he might decide to play with something but HE'LL let you know.

Jay has some painters who are supposed to come finish the trim, wainscoting and touch-ups tomorrow. This should be it for that and we (I hope) will be able to hang some of our art work back up.

Have a good weekend!