Friday, May 23, 2008

Over 3000 posts....

It is hard to believe, but we are well beyond 3000 posts now.

I am finally caught up with picture posting. The ones below are from last night. When I cleaned off the memory card, there were around 500 pictures on there. And that was only about 2.5 weeks' worth of pictures.

The boys are doing great as you can plainly see -- growing like weeds and having lots of fun.

Allan had an EUA (exam under anaesthesia) a couple of weeks ago for his eyes. I don't remember reporting on that. If I did, skip the next part. He did great. Had no problem with the anaesthesia at all -- came back out of it like a champ (a punch-drunk champ but a champ nonetheless). His right eye is perfectly normal and looks good. His left eye (the one he had the cataract in) is doing great -- no sign of any scarring developing, the pressure in it is good. They did change the prescription for his contact "significantly" and we have a new one on order. We knew all along that the contact that he had was just a guess, but, you may recall, some of the doctors were pressuring us to patch his good eye to strengthen his left eye. We elected not to do it (why blind him when he is enjoying walking, crawling, living) and were made to feel like bad parents. This at least makes us feel vindicated.

Last night Jay golfed in the evening so the boys and I were flying solo. Fortunately they were little darlings. Dinner, play, baths, book, snuggle, lights out. They don't often sleep together because Allan has had oxygen and feeding tubes to get tangled in, but they looked so cute last night and seemed so comfortable that I banished Jay to the upstairs bedroom. We moved Allan's feeding equipment in to our bedroom and had a sleep over. The boys were so sweet -- wriggling up next to each other.

Allan fell asleep before Griff did and was snoring. Griff kept putting his finger to his lips and saying "shhhh...." Good luck with that. It wasn't long before Griff was out and snoring, too, though.

We are looking forward to a fun, long weekend. Enjoy!