Friday, July 18, 2008

Up to date -- on photos at least

It has been a herculean task but I am finally up to date on the boys photos. The tales of their adventures will have to come later, I suppose.

Griffith has now taken to calling Allan "AlJude" which is pretty cute. He spends a lot of his time making sure that AlJude isn't getting in to trouble. The other night I was doing something in the kitchen and heard Griff saying, "No, no, AlJude!" over and over. Thought I ought to check (maternal instinct and all). I couldn't figure out what the problem was, though. So I asked him, "What's he doing, Griff?" to which he responded, "Eye!" and, sure enough, Allan was rubbing his eye which he isn't supposed to do because he keeps getting his contact out (we have lost 3 of the 4 that we got about 2 weeks ago.)

Yesterday, Allan wouldn't take a nap so Jesana put the boys in the car to take them to the pool. As you might expect, Allan fell asleep in the car and didn't wake up when she put him in the stroller. So she took the boys to the pool and put Allan under the cabana and under a canopy of beach towels and then tried to get Griff to get in the pool with her. Couldn't get him to do it. He kept going over to the stroller and peering under the towels and saying "Al!" and "AlJude!" and looking at Jesana. Whatever she was doing, it clearly was unsatisfactory. We do not leave Allan poolside and we do not go in without him. Finally, he told her, "Home!" So she gave up and went home.

We went to Gymboree Music class earlier this week and the boys did fine. Allan decided that he was supposed to be right in the center of everything and perched up on the drum. It took Griff a while to get his bearings but then he began pounding the drum like a pro. That, coupled with his hop-skip-jump-stomp style of dancing, has me thinking that he might be some reincarnated deranged Navajo or Hopi.

Allan's doing very well with his eating. He pretty much eats two meals a day orally without needing any supplementation -- still yogurt and applesauce kinds of stuff, but he's doing great and wants to operate the spoon himself and likes dipping it. Miss Edie assures us that this is a 15-18 month old skill which is great.

He is also making great progress with the standing and walking. You have to distract him or he drops to crawling but at music class he got so carried away with all the excitement that he took 2 or 3 steps without holding on to anything.

We don't have a lot planned for this weekend. Probably the farmer's market tomorrow morning if it isn't too blistering hot, then Miss Miranda and Evan are coming to sit for us on Saturday night while Jay and I go to a wedding. Sunday the Scots are coming late in the afternoon for dinner and playing in the backyard.

Next weekend is the big roadtrip to Chicago. Six hours in the car with two two year olds and Crazy Kim. I am not sure what I was thinking.

Have a good weekend!