Tuesday, August 05, 2008

All caught up -- for now....

Well, since these were added today and not last night, you can pretty much tell how cooperative the boys were.......not that they were bad, just busy.

Jay was working all weekend so the boys and I had to amuse ourselves. Katie and Lee came over for a playdate on Saturday morning. Allan is really warming up to the playset these days. He was a little hesitant at first, but is an old pro now -- crawling in the tunnel, going down the slide (he is always very careful to "turn around and slide down" just like Miss Julie taught him) and climbing up the ladder (with a little assistance). He needs to learn to lift his head up as he slides down, though, or else he is going to rub the skin off the end of his nose. Still, he is far more adventurous with the slide than Griff is. Griff wants to go down slowly and in control. Allan is happiest when he is shooting down at top speed. We all got in to the act -- Griff kept pushing me over to the top of the slide and saying, "Slide, Mama, slide!" and then we would slide down together -- sometimes with Allan in front and Griffith clinging to my back like a monkey. Allan, while still not talking, would grab my hand and pull me over, too, so his message was clear. After Lee and Katie left we were supposed to have naptime, but neither of the boys were very interested. Allan slept for about 40 minutes, but woke after Griff came charging in the nursery, yelling, "AL!" Griff dozed a time or two, but refused to drop off. This did not put any of us in a very good mood.
Miss A and her mom and dad came over to grill out Saturday night, though, and the boys had a great time. They weren't even whiny considering that they had had no naps. At about 8, though, it all started to unravel. You would have thought we were dipping them in vats of hot oil and not tepid bathwater. They both fell asleep early though and snoozed through the night. Which ended at 6:26 a.m. Allan, who always sleeps until at least 8, had had enough and was ready to snuggle at 6:26. On a Sunday morning. You.Have.To.Be.Kidding. Griffith soon followed and we were all up before 7. The weather was good so we took a run, got home and the boys played on the playset while I weeded the beds. Then I read the paper and tuned in to the silence just in time to realize that Griffith was relocating the sand from the sandbox to the yard and beyond, one spadefull at a time. While his father would no doubt diapprove, I decided: 1) he was happy; 2) Allan was happy; 3) I was happy; and 4) sand is cheap. Have at it, buddy.

I was certain that the boys would nap well on Sunday -- they'd had a big day the day before and started the day off early, why wouldn't they nap? I have no idea. Because they could tell that I really, really wanted a nap? Brats. Allan did sleep on schedule and for 2 hours, but Griff was noncompliant. So we played, did laundry, cleaned out the frig and made dinner. Then we got ready to go to the pool. Bag packed, sunscreen on, suits on. Headed for the pool. Got there only to realize that I left the pool bag at home. Rats. Back home, back to the pool, turn around, Griff is sound asleep. Rats. So we drove around for an hour (since gas is cheap) until I had to go to the bathroom. Called Jay at work and stopped the car, hopped out, Jay hopped in and took off. No dice. Daddy! Daddy car! How do they know it isn't a stop light?

Anyway, the boys and I went back home (too late for the pool) and Michele came over and we played on the playset again.

Allan is really doing great with climbing up the ladder. He is a little on the slow side -- Griff will often go down, come around and climb up over him and go down again before Allan has made it to the top, but he is determined and pushes on through.