Monday, September 22, 2008

Busy, busy...

Things have been very busy around our house with the grandparents in. Thursday night was Momma's night out so Dad, Grandma and Grampy were on their own. Since the adults outnumbered the toddlers, we felt like it was pretty safe and, sure enough, it went off without a hitch.

Friday night was a party for Kyle and Dana who have decided to make honest people out of each other. Ana came to look after the boys. Grandma and Grampy headed out for Gallery Hop. Jay and I ended up at a local restaurant on the way home for a drink with some friends and ended up out too late. Or what qualifies as "too late" these days -- 11:30. Just like clockwork, the boys were up at 7. This is why one should not have "just one more" -- children have no mercy. Jay, the boys and the grandparents headed out for the Farmer's Market and left me to run solo. Which would have felt better if I had started later or quit earlier the night before. Sigh. At least when I have the stroller I feel like no one judges me if I stop to walk or if I am running slowly..... After lunch and naps we headed out for the Festival Latino. We had such a great time last year, but there were no dancers when we were there -- just some mediocre (and loud) singers. We decided to head for Oktoberfest instead. A hot link, some sauerkraut and a stroll around the grounds and we were all headed back for home. Everyone was in bed and asleep by 10. Amen. Up and at 'em on Sunday. We headed out to feed the ducks and then came home for lunch and naps. Grilled out last night.

Grandma and Grampy have headed out for a short trip to birdwatch and will be back on Thursday.

In the meanwhile, enjoy the photos.