Tuesday, September 09, 2008

What a big boy we have....

Griff is working on potty training us. And he's doing a pretty good job of it.

On Sunday I was in the nursery rocking Allan to sleep and the door to the dining room was closed. I could hear Griff running and yelling "pee-pee! pee-pee!" and then he started pounding on the door. So Jay brought him on in (fair enough -- Allan can usually sleep through anything and we don't want to slow Griff down on this potty training thing.) Jay pulled his drawers down and all I could hear was "GOOD BOY!! WELL DONE !!!" Then Griff ran in to the nursery (sans bottoms), jumped up and down (he has about an inch and half vertical), and ran over to give me five and a fist bump. Quite the celebration.

So now we make sure that he sits on the potty in the morning and before bath and whenever we go. We've even bought Easy-Ups in anticipation of this becoming totally routine. At which point he will no doubt revert.

In addition to this potty training stuff, Griff has taken to, occasionally, drinking from a cup. On Friday afternoon we had the little blue cup out on the table with water in it. For whatever reason, he stopped what he was doing, sat up in the chair and started drinking from it. And grinning at us. Then I had to drink. And Daddy. We even tried Big Al. Share and share alike. This is also what led to the Quack-quack drinking bath water in the living room. Two steps forward.....