Friday, October 17, 2008

Momma Stomp

Every night before bath, the boys and I play Momma Stomp. This involves me (you guessed it) stomping my feet like Godzilla and yelling, "ROAR! ROAR! ROAR!" to the general delight of Thing One and Thing Two. Griff screams and runs away as fast as he can. Allan, on the other hand, at least half the time, comes charging directly for me -- he is absolutely fearless. The other part of the fun comes when I hide around the corner and call, "Griffey! Allan!" and the boys come sneaking around for me to jump out and scare them. (I can not tell you how adorable they are peeping around the corner together.) Griff loves this so much that, when I am chasing them through the house, he will point behind the door and tell me "Dis! (this)" and I'll say, "what?" and he'll imitate me and say, "Griffey! Allan!" and then run back in to the living room ready for all of us to assume our respective positions. And if I only yell, Griffey, he will yell back from the living room, "Allan!" to remind me to make sure I don't overlook his brother. If the Momma Monster is going to get someone, it might as well be Allan.