We'll see how it goes tonight, but the boys have been pretty wonderful for the past couple of nights.
Griffith is getting to be right smart of a monster right after dinner time: he follows you around and cries and whines and wants to be held or, at least, entertained, right up until bath time. By the time he is dried, moisturized (really, moisturizer is CRITICAL to maintaining a youthful appearance), and dressed, he is hardly able to stand it or either of us. Slip him in to a sleep-sack, stick a bottle in his mouth (yeah, we can pretty much tell you who is broken on THAT issue), and he is out in about 10 minutes. How long he stays out varies: sometimes he rallies after 30 minutes or so. Some times we make it until 3 a.m. or so (3 to 4 a.m. is the witching hour). Some times (blessedly) he makes it all through the night until nearly 7. Lately, even if he wakes at 3, it is only because he is very, very, very wet and he will go back down within 15 to 30 minutes or so.
Allan, as usual, is an angel. We usually take him off of the oxygen when we get home and, on the weekends, we will see how he does through the night. Sometimes he makes it, sometimes he doesn't. Usually during the week, though, we don't push it. It is all very well and good to get up a time or four on the weekend to shift Big Al left or right to remind him to take a deep breath. It is quite another to do that on a Tuesday night when you have to be up at 6:30 on Wednesday morning. Still, Allan is doing really well with weaning off of the oxygen and, if we can keep ourselves free of flu and cold and RSV, it should all go well.