Monday, November 12, 2007

A Very Big Day

Big Al has had a Very Big Day indeed. Today he got up on his hands and knees all by himself and pushed, pushed, pushed his way across the floor. Backward. But locomotion still. Allan has really made a lot of progress, just in the past week.

Allan, as Julie would say, is very motivated these days. The coin has finally dropped and he has realized that, if he crawls or scoots or locomotes, he gets to places he wants and can do what he wants. Holy cows. Today when I got home, Flora was very excited because Allan had been hoisting himself in to crawl position and rocking and moving (backward) all day long. He even got himself stuck under the chair, just like his brother always did. She was trying to cuddle him when I got home but he kept bucking and trying to slide down her leg to get moving. I think Flora has lost her last baby.

Allan has also, just maybe, started talking. Jay and I are both giving him full credit for 'up' -- a word that he hears his brother say a thousand times a day. He also says "Maaaaaaa...." which I would like to think is directed AT me, but think is really just his way of protesting that which does not please him. Either way, he said it before "da" and I am taking it.

Big Al also waves "bye." Friday when we were at the doctor for his RSV shot, Dr. David was leaving and said good-bye and, on cue, Allan lifted his little hand and waved.

He is a very good boy. Even if he looks like a long-haired hippy.