Friday, May 26, 2006


Don't know what happened to my previous post.
The boys are doing great -- both are now over 3 pounds. Griffith has started a campaign of terror where he pees at you as soon as you get his diaper off. Still, that's better than his brother who does the same with poop. Griffith got a matchbox car from his nurse Cheryl because he has been so good. He has graduated from the incubator to a warming tray. When he gets a little bigger they will try to ex-tubate him, but not this weekend.
Allan is also over 3 pounds and has stolen Griffith's girlfriend (Alissa) away from him. I hope this doesn't signal a pattern. Griffith does have his roommate (Mackenze) to turn to for solace, though. Cheryl also got Allan a car that says "buzz off" on the side. Just to keep things even.
The boys have actually managed to outgrow some clothes so it is a good thing that Aunt Kathy came through with some more vests -- these have lady bugs on them. She has also completed her tape for them so the rest of you better get busy. You don't want her to get ahead of you.
Have a good weekend and I'll update again on Tuesday.