Thursday, May 25, 2006

Thursday morning

The boys had a good afternoon yesterday and a restful night. They had both put on a little weight.
Allan is within striking distance of 3 pounds -- he was 2 pounds 15 ounces last night. He has 5 more days of treatment to insure that the yeast infection is well and truly gone. It will be nice to be able to have one less IV to deal with. The docs are trying to put more weight on him and he is now taking 28 CC's of milk at every feeding.
Griffith is so big that he has actually managed to outgrow an outfit, if you can imagine that! He had put on a little weight but hasn't quite made it to the next cut-off -- he's 3 pounds 2 oz still. He is still bound and determined to pull his vent tube out and works on that every chance he gets. All the nurses pass along the warning about him, though, and so he spends a fair amount of time swaddled. Our very own baby burrito. He has lost most of the darker hair on the top of his head, but has kept it around the sides. He looks like he has a receding hairline which is fair enough considering his namesake. Or his Uncle Mark.
Kim and Jennifer sent cute little circus-themed nightshirts for them. As soon as I get a chance to wash them up, we'll put them on and take some pictures. I doubt I can find a clown nose that will fit them, but a maraschino cherry might work....