Friday, June 23, 2006

Friday - June 23rd

There really isn't much to report this morning. And that's not a bad thing. Griffith seems to be getting over the mystery stomach bug. He's kicking up more of a fuss every day so things are getting back to normal. He twists, he turns, he squawls and kicks. I don't know how he manages, but he can pretty much turn himself over. Especially if he is mad. A good Brannon temper tantrum empowers a boy, I suppose. He has some cute new outfits from Aunt Evelyn and from Bailey Marie (a sleeper with an alligator on it to suit his disposition!). He's a huge fan of the pacifier and sucks on it so hard that he sounds like Maggie Simpson.
Allan continues his run of contented days and nights. He is still on the C-pap and doesn't seem to be having trouble adapting to it. I don't like it because it covers up his pretty little face, but, with any luck, he won't have to keep it on for too long. He is also spending a lot of time sleeping. Some of the nurses have said that means they are growing so we'll see. Allan is now the only boy on his ward. He has a harem of 4 baby girls. Life is so much easier for him than for Griffith!
I don't know if there will be a report this afternoon or not. I have to find something to wear to my niece's wedding tomorrow night. If all goes well, I'll be back in after seeing the boys at lunch. If not, then I will be scouring the mall for hours until I find something that won't shame the family name.