Monday, June 19, 2006

Ups and downs...

We had a big weekend. Up and down, but we are ending in a good place.
Griffith had his first bottle feeding on Saturday and he did great. He's such a clever boy. He drank 25 of 30 mls which is excellent. He slopped and slurped around, but generally knew exactly how to operate a bottle. He got a little worn out with all the work and some times he would forget that he had to swallow after he got a mouthful, but, other than those minor drawbacks, he gets a gold star. Cheryl started talking about his discharge and I suddenly panicked about not having a crib or diapers, etc. So Jay and I spent Saturday afternoon looking at cribs and such. While we were at Babies R Us I thought it would be advisable to purchase a few diapers, baby wipes, etc. Not a lot, just some so that I felt like I had made a start. That did not go so well. Decisions about spending a couple of hundred dollars on cribs, no problem. What baby wipes to purchase defeated me utterly. Over. Whelmed. Sensitive? Scented with calming lavender? Huggies ? Pampers? Apparently, I don't have enough sense to pick out baby wipes and they are going to send me home with two infants who are entirely dependent upon me for survival. What could they be thinking? At any rate, Lee and Jay came to the rescue and tossed some wipes in the cart and moved me along.
Despite having had such a good day, Griffith didn't have a good night. He picked up some bacteria and got sick to his stomach. He felt rotten Saturday night and had to go back on the vent Sunday morning. He didn't even fight with them so you know he was feeling puny. The good news is that the meds they are giving him must be working because he was getting back to fighting form last night -- tugging on his tubes and giving Cheryl the stink-eye because she had put him on the vent, put in a catheter and taken a bunch of blood. There's not much he can do about it now, but you can tell that he'll remember her. Caitlyn called early this morning to let us know that he had managed to extubate himself (again) this morning. He is currently under an oxygen hood and doing well. He was all bright-eyed when I was there this morning. He still isn't quite as fiesty as usual, but he's making a come back.
Allan continued his run of good behavior -- he's doing well with the weaning, putting on weight (4 pounds, 5 ounces). He even managed to make his dad a Father's Day card with his footprints -- or someone's footprints. They seem inordinately large to actually be my short cubby boy's prints, but it is the thought that counts. We get to snuggle tonight so we'll try to make up for all the attention that Griffith is getting.