Monday, July 10, 2006

False Alarm - Monday July 10th

Well, Griffith didn't make it home this weekend. His temperature was a little low on Friday and his belly was puffy with gas and he just wasn't quite himself. It was all quite a let-down, but we don't want him to come home until he is absolutely ready for it. Right now we don't have an ETA on it, but we hope to have him home by the end of the week. (We aren't sure that he didn't fake it just to stay with his brother. I'll have to remember this when he tells me that he is too sick to go to school.)
That said, the boys both had a good weekend. Sunday was their original due date so we celebrated it as a kind of birthday. They ate milk, of course, but managed to sneak out again (really the security there is the pits) and brought back petit fours with baby booties on them for Jennifer and Cheryl. Even at their tender age, the boys recognize the superiority of Magee's Bakery.
Griffith got a little present from Cheryl yesterday, a farm animals book that she read to him. He was quite interested in it, especially the "baa-ing" of the sheep which made him smile. I'm sure there is a joke to be made about Englishmen and sheep, but this is a family blog. Dad liked the book, too, and went right home and added some to the nursery menagerie. If one of the boys doesn't come home soon, there won't be an inch of the walls that isn't covered in something! Griffith has gained a little weight after stalling for a while. Last night he was 4 pounds 10 ounces.
Allan was a whopping 5 pounds 7 ounces last night. He is getting to be quite the biggie boy. They are switching him back and forth between the Cpap and the nasal cannula to try to build up his tolerance to being on the cannula full time. He did very well with it yesterday so we are hoping that this will be all it takes to get him over the hump. It is so nice to be able to see his pretty little face. I probably went overboard with the pictures of him, but I had to make up for the rash of Griffith photos from the past 10 days or so.