Monday, July 03, 2006

Monday July 3rd

Happy 4th of July Eve to everyone ! The boys had a good weekend.
Allan weighed in at a whopping 5 pounds 1 ounce last night. Hard to believe that he has come so far in 3 months. He has the sweetest chubby legs, arms, cheeks -- everything, really. He is terribly sensitive about it, though. I mentioned last week that he had learned how to pout and make his lower lip quiver. Well, he continues to employ the technique with great accuracy. Alissa was talking about his cute chubby thighs and he had a meltdown. Yesterday, I was talking about his little chubby fingers and he did it again. So, when you meet him (finally), ixnay on the ubby-chay talk, okay? We don't want him to develop an eating disorder.
Griffith is doing his best to catch up in the weight category. He was 4 pounds 9 ounces last night. His big accomplishment this weekend was learning how to nurse. He will be alternating between formula-enhanced bottles and breast-feeding when he comes home, provided that the does well with it and so far his been a little rockstar. He's a very clever little boy. And awfully sweet. One of his nurses commented on how sweet and calm he's been since he is off of the vent. Yes, yes, he is. He kept trying to tell y'all that he didn't want to be on it and NO ONE was listening. That's very frustrating. Even when you are only 10 weeks old. Now that he has gotten his way, he's as jolly a little fellow as you would ever want to meet. Please make a note of it.
You can see from the pictures that Dad has been very busy this weekend. Eric (husband of my niece Jennifer) came over and helped begin painting the nursery. The farm is based on my family's homeplace and looks great, if you ask me. They have to put in the animals, but the base paint wasn't quite dry enough for that yesterday. Things are coming together -- about time, hunh?