Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Way to go, Griffith!

Griffith's surgery went well. He was taken down around 10:30 and was back around 1:00 or so. He is zonked out still and probably will be until tomorrow some time. He is on the vent, but as soon as he wakes up, they will extubate him.
Things went about as well as we could have hoped. Dr. Joe went in to repair the hernia, but realized pretty quickly that the small intestine actually formed part of the hernia wall. It was stuck in it. So, he had to make an incision and go in through that and cut the bowel away from the hernia wall. Then he stitched up the hernia and they were done. He didn't have to take out any of the bowel at all. Apparently some times the hernia would twist and cut off the intestine which is what was causing the problems.
Griff did very well and we hope that he will be on the mend very soon. Thanks to every one for your thoughts and prayers.