Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Wednesday morning update

Griffith had a good night. He's still not quite back to himself, but he is getting there. He was opening his eyes and holding his Dad's hand this morning. He had a little morphine a couple of times through the night which helped make him more comfortable but also makes him groggy, of course. He was doing well with his breathing and they are planning on extubating him today. Based on his past performances, they had better do it before he realizes that they put it back because he is going to be p.o.'d if he figures it out.
Allan, not content to let his brother get all of the attention, has been having a little trouble. He's is kind of puffy (yes, we can tell the puffy from the chubby, thank you very much!) because he is retaining fluid. This is making him breath faster and heavier than we would like. He was due for a bath last night, but we called that off -- didn't want to put him through the extra effort and stress. Anyway, the docs are going to discuss that this morning and decide how to address it.
More later.