Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Message from Griffith

Hi, everybody! I'm helping Momma blog today so don't be surprised if this message cuts off in the middle. Sometimes I hit the wrong buttons and sometimes I just lose interest and make Momma stop. I just wanted you to know that, so far, I like the outside world pretty well. I do miss all of my nurses and friends at the hospital, especially the ones who worked at night. Momma and Dad aren't nearly as energetic and fun at 3 a.m. as Sarah, Caitlyn and Krista. Mom and Dad keep trying to get me to go to sleep, but I keep trying to get them to pick me up. So far I'm winning but it takes some work to get them to cooperate. My new nursery is pretty bright but I haven't spent much time in there. Mom and Dad keep me in a bassinet next to their bed at night. The rest of the time one or the other is usually holding me. I do have some cool new stuff -- my swing is very cool -- it plays under the sea music and rocks me back and forth. And I really like all of the ceiling fans here. Maybe you should put some of them in the NICU. I could watch them for hours. Mom and I sat on the porch for a little while today and she tried to show me the rain storm, but I was too tired and not able to keep my eyes open. I'm sure I'll be suitably impressed later. I have my first pediatrician visit tomorrow morning. So that will be my first big trip out in to the real world. I'll give you a full report tomorrow. Time to take a nap.