Sunday, August 06, 2006

We are set for an on-time departure

Well, it looks like Griffith is going to be shown the door of the NICU tomorrow. They've had enough of his demanding ways. Time for him to hit the bricks. Nevermind that they are the ones who spoiled him to begin with. He's our problem now. He passed his hearing screen (again), got checked out in his carseat (he looks so impossibly small in there!), and Jay and I finally watched the shaken baby video. Much to the relief of the doctors and nurses, we have now ruled shaking out as a means of discipline. (That's what they make closets for, right?) Griffith must have been excited about the prospect of getting out because he was awake ALL NIGHT last night. Every time Sarah would put him down, he would howl. As soon as she picked him up, he would stop. She finally stuck him in his swing and that's how he greeted Cheryl this morning. She was going to have to give him a talking to today and get him back in to his day/night routine. I was kind of surprised that he didn't sleep better. He spent most of yesterday up and helping Jenny play solitaire. Not knowing his colors or numbers yet was a bit of a handicap, but he really enjoy watched the cards move across the screen. I told her that they needed to investigate on-line poker. Little slacker has been here nearly four months and hasn't contributed to the household finances at all. Going to have to earn his way somehow.

Allan has been doing great as well. He is back on the nasal cannula and doing very well with it. They've stopped his diuretics and, so far, he really hasn't gained any significant fluid. Plus you can just tell that he is feeling better -- he's more alert and wide-eyed now that he isn't having to work so hard to breath. They have continued feeding him the extra calorie formula in his milk so he is now 7 pounds 3 ounces. He has outgrown all the "preemie" clothes, as well as the "newborn." He is now solidly in the 0-3 months. He and his brother have done very well with the cobedding. As far as I know, Griffith hasn't smacked his brother since that initial incident. We have noticed that Allan has picked up how to howl from Griffith and Griffith has learned how to stick out his lower lip and pout like Allan. This wasn't exactly what we had in mind when they told us that this would aid in their development.