Thursday, August 31, 2006

Thursday - August 31st

Griffith and I are hanging out at home tonight. Kim came over and baby sat so that I could meet Jay at the hospital before shift change and then we got take out Thai. (Griff had formula for dinner instead.) He charmed Kim completely. When I got home, she was holding him and I suspect that she had been doing just that since Miss Flora left. Right now, he's swinging and we are both catching up on reruns of Grey's Anatomy. Actually, he's just fallen asleep. All this being loved on wears a boy out.
Allan had a good day. He had another eye exam and still has one spot in one eye that they want to look at so we haven't gotten discharged from opthamology like we had hoped. As with every thing else, Allan is taking his own sweet time. Still we are supposed to be going home on Tuesday although there is a bit of confusion about monitors and such that we have to get sorted out. Still, we are all preparing for a homecoming. Last night Allan said goodbye to Catilin and tonight he said goodbye to Alissa. The weekend will be bittersweet, too, because he has to say farewells to Krista, Ellie, Sarah and Jennifer. Even though he knows that it is time to go home and that he will see all of them again, it still makes him a little sad. Anyway, all we have to do now is make it through the weekend without him catching on that they are going to send him home and then we are outta there.