Monday, September 04, 2006

Labor Day

It is hard to believe that it is Labor Day already. Summer is over. Football season is here (as if that's something to look forward to as opposed to something to be endured). Time has flown.
Allan is still scheduled to come home tomorrow sometime. There's still a fair amount of stuff to get sorted out, but it looks like we are good to go. He has done much better with his bottle-feeding this weekend. Jay has discovered that if you lay him back on a pillow with his head thrown back over your knees that Allan will eat. But you can't pay any attention to him or talk to him. In fact, he likes it best if there are two people talking around him. No kidding. I have no idea how any one would swallow in that position, much less someone who has breathing issues, but there you have. Don't argue with success. Of course, he may stop doing that today. He's like that. Contrary. And he can't be coaxed, wheedled or bullied. Jay has to admit that Allan has his disposition. Apparently one of Jay's bosses once told him that he had only two speeds: dead slow and stopped. Allan is apparently Jay's pay back. Despite his eating issues, Allan continues to make progress in the growth department. As of last night he is a solid nine pounds.
Griffith continues to make progress, too. As of Friday, he weighed in at 6 and a half pounds. Very respectable. He has spent the weekend meeting and greeting Uncle Eddie (my oldest brother), Aunt Clara (his wife) and his cousins, Jennifer, Eric, Kim, and Charles. Today he is going to meet Uncle Tim (middle brother) and Aunt Lisa (his fiance). So far all reports on him are favorable so Jay and I believe that we will keep him. Although if he keeps his dad awake from 3 to 5 a.m. for a whole lot longer, we may be interested in working out a time-share arrangment with someone. Someone who doesn't need rest.