Wednesday, September 06, 2006

So far, so good. Weve made it 24 whole hours (more actually) as a family unit. We haven't misplaced either of the boys and, so far, they are both just fine. If this is short, it is only because I am typing with 1 hand. Allan is laid out in the crook of mt left arm. Griffith is racked out in his crib and we are listening to the "Be Creative" CD of classical music.
Last night was kind of long for all involved -- we were pretty keyed up just to have Allan home. Well, Jay and I were. Griffith could have cared less. There was the getting used to his monitors and equipment. And making sure that we got all of his meds delivered in the right amounts and at the right times. His alarm didn't go off all that much, but enough that we really couldn't relax. I doubt if Jay or I slept more than 45 minutes at a stretch all night. Allan was awake most all night, too. Every time we checked, he was wide awake. He wasn't fussy or any thing. He was just hanging out, looking all around. He seems to be doing the same tonight and may have his days and nights confused. Just what we need. One who is up all day and one who is up all night.
We made it to the pediatrician's office for both boys -- both are just fine. We go back for Allan on Friday to keep a check on his progress. Griffith is doing just great -- he is 6 pounds 12 ounces which means he has gained nearly 2 pounds since he was discharged.
It is getting late -- nearly time for Griff to eat so we will cut it off here, but will try to add more tomorrow.