Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The boys both seem to be doing very well. Griffith had a big couple of days as you can see from the photos. Caitlin came over Sunday night to spoil him. She hadn't seen him in a while and might not have recognized him had he not decided to howl at the top of his lungs about -- something -- who knows what? -- that irritated him. Ah, yes, THAT'S Griffith all right. Clearly he remembered her and was completely, comfortably racked out when we got home. Yesterday afternoon, Cheryl stopped by for a visit. Of course, Griffith had been playing and kicking and cooing and grinning all over himself, right up until about 20 or 30 minutes before she got here, at which point he passed out completely and stayed that way through her entire visit. Contrary little twerp. I can't really blame him, though, we had a big afternoon. He helped Momma in the garden all afternoon long. First he supervised from the bouncy seat, but got tired of that and started squawling. So then we tried putting him in the Snugli. He was pretty sure he was going to hate it, but after we put a blanket under his no-bottom so that he had a better view, he was just fine. We swept the deck, trimmed the roses and raked up leaves. Late yesterday afternoon, we listened to All Things Considered and repotted mums. That worked very well so long as he could see me. If I got out of his sight to put a pot somewhere or retrieve something, he immediately tuned up. Still and all, he's a great little guy and lots of fun. He wakes up with a big smile on his face and is starting to grin AT you and makes a little sound that sounds a lot like a chuckle. He usually does both in response to Word Up (since he often waves his hands in the air, like he doesn't care.....)
Speaking of tuned up, he's getting there now. It is lunch time. I'll update later with news of Allan.