Sunday, October 01, 2006

Sunday 10/1

Big Al and I are hanging out this afternoon. We've just finished our baby yoga and are listening to Baby Beethoven. We have a new bouncy seat to try out later and Cheryl brought a couple of new books (The Poky Little Puppy and The Saggy Baggy Elephant) so it is going to be a big day all around. Tio Luis may be stopping by later so really, it is an action-packed Sunday. Allan seems to be doing pretty well and they are talking about discharge (again) some time next week. (He has won over the doctors and nurses in the PICU so his work here is done.) Keep your fingers crossed that we go home and stay there for more than a few days this time. Anyway, he's looking good (naturally) and weighs in at about 10 and a half pounds. He is working on getting his fingers in his mouth, but frequently loses interest after the first misstep or two. It just seems like rather a lot of effort. He has taken to winking this week as well. I can't say that it is purely volitional, but it does seem to happen a lot when a pretty girl is sweet-talking.
Dad has had to work all weekend so we have had to get some folks in to pinch-hit on the childcare. Yesterday Aunt Kathy came up. She and Griffith got along famously. They spent a fair amount of time learning about laminate flooring, apparently. (For the record, he is not opposed to it and thinks that it wears well, especially in high-traffic areas.) Then we spent a fair amount of time rearranging the pictures in the house while listening to Paula Deen and her boys talk about her cooking school. Griffith is hanging out with Cousin Jennifer this afternoon. When I called to check in they were getting along pretty well -- he's already got her dancing to his tune. They ate, walked around the back yard, and played in the bouncy seat. Just when she thought she had him settled down and pulled out some work to do, he began howling. He really does have radar for when you are trying to get things done. His latest tricks include howling as if you have stuck him with a hot poker when you try to burp him. And it comes as a complete shock to him every time we do it. As if we don't burp about 3 times every feeding, eight times a day, every day. I guess he's just an eternal optimist and always thinks that maybe, just maybe, this time will be different.