Wednesday, November 08, 2006

We made it back in about 8 o'clock last night. The return trip took a lot longer than the original. It took us an hour and a half to cover the first 35 miles. If we had known that it was going to take that long, we would have just slept in.
Allan did great on the way back (naturally). He slept most of the day --- the day before was catching up with him, I suppose. He's all snuggled in at home today, though. We go to see the ophthalmologist tomorrow and (we guess) find out then when they can get the surgery scheduled.
Griffith seemed glad to see us, but he's just generally a happy kid. For the first time in weeks, though, he didn't go to sleep early and he didn't sleep through the night. Maybe he just wanted to make sure that we were still there.