Sunday, November 05, 2006

Well, we've made it. It is amazing how much nothing there is between here and there. Allan was a doll nearly all day long. He started to get fussy about the last hour and an half or so, but so did I so I can't blame him for that. He is absolutely exhausted and racked out in the Pack n Play. He's probably a little worn out because his girlfriends came calling last night -- Alissa, Jen and Jenny all came by for a visit. All that doting wears a boy out.
Griffith is hanging out with Aunt Stephanie and, according to her, he has been perfect all day long. Flora has called twice to make sure that every thing is all right and to tell Stephanie that she will come right over if Stephanie needs her. She also told her that she will be there early tomorrow so that Stephanie can go on home. Subtle. Very subtle.
We start out at the hospital at 6:30 in the morning and have been told to expect 8 hours of appointments and testing. We anticipate staying here tomorrow night, too, since it will probably be too late to start back by the time we are through. We'll keep you updated as best we can. Wish us luck.