Monday, January 22, 2007

The boys did well with their eye exams today.
Griffith has a slight astigmatism (courtesy of Papa), but it isn't anything that they need to do anything about right now. He may or may not have to have glasses some day. Come back in a year, thank you very much.
Allan's eye looks pretty good, but the pressure was up in it some. They are adjusting his eye drops and seeing how that works. Come back in a month. They are going to put him back under anaesthesia some time to look in the eye and see how and whether scar tissue is forming back there and if they can tell what is causing the pressure to build up and how that is or isn't affecting his optic nerve. But we aren't going to do any thing at all until RSV, flu and cold season are over with. April? May? We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.